Library staff can provide customized lists by topics. All books can be accessed and downloaded from within the JPL network. They can then be transferred to mobile devices for later reading. Our licenses with publishers prohibits redistribution, so if you would like to recommend books to your colleagues, please ask them to download their own copies.
Electronic Book Series:
Selected Electronic Books:
Atmospheric Rivers, 2020
Applied Soil Hydrology, 2019
Water Conservation, Recycling and Reuse: Issues and Challenges, 2019
Water Resources and Environmental Engineering I: Surface and Groundwater, 2019
Water Science, Policy, and Management: A Global Challenge, 2019
Water Harvesting for Groundwater Management: Issues, Perspectives, Scope, and Challenges, 2018
Emerging contaminants in river ecosystems : occurrence and effects under multiple stress conditions, 2016
Lakes of the world with Google Earth : understanding our environment, 2016
Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies, 2016
Sustainable water management : new perspectives, design, and practices, 2016
Water Security, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, 2016
Introduction to Tsallis Entropy Theory in Water Engineering, 2015