Quick Guide to Standards and Patents
► JPL has access to many standards and technical documents via the NASA Technical Standards System.
Before login to NASA Standards Portal:
- ♦ You will need your NASA LaunchPad login credential and SmartCard (as of August 2019, the Standards website no longer allows for agency login option).
- ♦ Download and install the FileOpen plugin on your computer/device. More information about FileOpen plugin is included in the next Tab "Standards".
- ♦ Most Standards Issuing Organizations have set the limit to prevent re-distribution of files. The standards can only be opened on the same device where it is downloaded.
Login to NASA Standards Portal:
- ♦ Use the Chrome browser.
- ♦ Go to https://standards.nasa.gov
► Additionally, JPL has access to published IEEE Standards with our IEEE Xplore subscription
► The National Trademark and Patent Office, or via Google Patents.
Click through the tabs above for more detailed instructions.