Library staff can provide customized lists by topics. All books can be accessed and downloaded from within the JPL network. They can then be transferred to mobile devices for later reading. Our licenses with publishers prohibits redistribution, so if you would like to recommend books to your colleagues, please ask them to download their own copies.
Big Data Is Not a Monolith, 2016
- Digital Arts and Humanities: Neogeography, Social Media and Big Data Integrations and Applications, 2016
Streaming, Sharing, Stealing:Big Data and the Future of Entertainment, 2016
- Signals and images : advances and results in speech, estimation, compression, recognition, filtering, and processing, 2016
- Big data analytics strategies for the smart grid, 2015
- Big Data, Little Data, No Data:Scholarship in the Networked World, 2015
- Data as a Service:A Framework for Providing Reusable Enterprise Data Services, 2015
- Privacy on the Ground:Driving Corporate Behavior in the United States and Europe, 2015
- Big Data: Related Technologies, Challenges and Future Prospects, 2014
- Big data : techniques and technologies in geoinformatics, 2014
- Cloud Data Management, 2014
- Indexing It All:The Subject in the Age of Documentation, Information, and Data, 2014
- Large-Scale Data Analytics, 2014
- Multilinear subspace learning : dimensionality reduction of multidimensional data, 2014
- Reality Mining:Using Big Data to Engineer a Better World, 2014
- Data Mining in Large Sets of Complex Data, 2013
- Facebook Nation: Total Information Awareness, 2013
- Frontiers in Massive Data Analysis, 2013
- Web-Scale Data Management for the Cloud, 2013