The following charts are based on records for JPL authored papers from Web of Science. Each record has at least one author from JPL. The years covered are from 2000 to end of 2023, with a total number of 25,151 records. Each chart shows only the top 25 entries from each category.
Author Affiliations
- All JPL authors are also counted as NASA authors, therefore the two numbers are the same. The Caltech number reflects all cases when the author lists "JPL, Caltech" in the affiliation information.
- Aside from NASA and Caltech, JPL authors collaborate with researchers from the University of California system a lot. Among all the campuses. UCLA and UC Berkeley stand out as top collaborators. Other academic institutions that JPL collaborate often include University of Arizona, Harvard, and University of Colorada, Boulder.
- Among other U.S. federal organization, JPL authors work with researchers from Goddard Space Flight Center and the Department of Energy.
- Among foreign collaborators, France's UDICE French Research Universities, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and Germany's Max Plank Society account as top collaborating organizations with JPL.
Funding Sources
- Outside of NASA, close to 15% of the papers also have funding from the National Science Foundation, and about 5% of the papers have funding from U.S. Department of Energy.
- About 11% of the papers have some funding from U.K.'s Research Innovation (UKRI); and about 8% have funding from U.K.'s Science Technology Facilities Council. About 5% of the papers have some funding from the European Commission.