Library staff can provide customized lists by topics. All books can be accessed and downloaded from within the JPL network. They can then be transferred to mobile devices for later reading. Our licenses with publishers prohibits redistribution, so if you would like to recommend books to your colleagues, please ask them to download their own copies.
- Virtual Humans: Today and Tomorrow, 2019
- Who Wins in a Digital World? Strategies to Make Your Organization Fit for the Future, 2019
- The AI Advantage: How to Put the Artificial Intelligence Revolution to Work, 2018
- Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security, 2018
- Artificial Intelligence, with an Introduction to Machine Learning, 2018
- Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World, 2018
- The Deep Learning Revolution, 2018
- How Smart Machines Think, 2018
- Playing Smart: On Games, Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence, 2018
- Common Sense, the Turing Test, and the Quest for Real AI, 2017
- The Digital Mind: How Science is Redefining Humanity, 2017
- Reasoning About Uncertainty, 2017
- The Virtual Mind: Designing the Logic to Approximate Human Thinking, 2017
- Machine Learning:The New AI, 2016
- Anigrafs:Experiments in Cooperative Cognitive Architecture, 2015
- Artificial Intelligence Tools: Decision Support Systems in Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 2015
- Technological Singularity, 2015
- Artificial Cognitive Systems:A Primer, 2014
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Rational Decision Making, 2014
- Frequent Pattern Mining, 2014
- Natural and Artificial Reasoning: An Exploration of Modeling Human Thinking, 2014
- Personality Capture and Emulation, 2014
- Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 2014
- Autonomic Computing: Principles, Design and Implementation, 2013
- Deductive Spreadsheet, 2013
- Morphogenetic Engineering: Toward Programmable Complex System, 2013
- Semantic Analysis and Understanding of Human Behavior in Video Streaming, 2013
- Semantic Mashups, 2013
- Your Virtual Butler: The Making-of, 2013