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Subject Resources: Astrophysics: Selected Papers

Papers on Gravitational Wave from LIGO Group

2017 Nobel Prize in Physics: Selected Papers

Kip Thorne and Barry Barish of Caltech have been awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in physics. Rai Weiss of MIT shared the award with the Caltech duo. “The first direct observation of gravitational waves by LIGO is an extraordinary demonstration of scientific vision and persistence,” said Caltech President Thomas Rosenbaum. “Through four decades of development of exquisitely sensitive instrumentation – pushing the capacity of our imaginations – we are now able to glimpse cosmic processes that were previously undetectable. It is truly the start of a new era in astrophysics.”

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) compiled a special page containing biographical information about each of the winners, and the significance of gravitational wave, with links to research papers published by AIP journals.

The LIGO Science Collaboration Group has published close to 200 papers since 2004. Together these papers have been cited more that 10,000 times by more than 4,000 papers. Here is a short list of the most cited papers from the group, including the 2016 paper that was reported widely by popular news media.

Selected 2017 papers: