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Subject Resources: Creativity and Innovation: Print Books on Creativity and Innovation

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Print Books

Hatch, M. (2014). The maker movement manifesto: Rules for innovation in the new world of crafters, hackers, and tinkerers

Pyle, R. (2014). Innovation the NASA way: Harnessing the power of your organization for breakthrough success

Catmull, E. E., & Wallace, A. (2014). Creativity, Inc: Overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration

Isaacson, W. (2014). The innovators: How a group of hackers, geniuses, and geeks created the digital revolution

Hill, L. A. (2014). Collective genius: The art and practice of leading innovation

Kelley, D., & Kelley, T. (2013). Creative confidence: Unleashing the creative potential within us all

Ness, R. B. (2012). Innovation generation: How to produce creative and useful scientific ideas. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Smith, P. (2012). Lead with a story: A guide to crafting business narratives that captivate, convince, and inspire. New York: American Management Association. 

Plotkin, R. (2012). Computers and creativity: Computers and creativity. New York, NY: Facts on File. 

Amabile, T., & Kramer, S. (2011). The progress principle: Using small wins to ignite joy, engagement, and creativity at work. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Review Press. 

Robinson, A. (2011). Genius: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Gauntlett, D. (2011). Making is connecting: The social meaning of creativity, from DIY and knitting to YouTube and Web 2.0. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. 

Dyer, J., Gregersen, H. B., & Christensen, C. M. (2011). The innovator's DNA: Mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press. 

Mlodinow, L. (2011). Feynman's rainbow: A search for beauty in physics and in life. New York: Vintage Books. 

Fischer, G., Vassen, F., & Sydney German Studies Symposium. (2011). Collective creativity: Collaborative work in the sciences, literature and the arts. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 

Linkner, J. (2011). Disciplined dreaming: A proven system to drive breakthrough creativity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 

Mura, G. (2011). Metaplasticity in virtual worlds: Aesthetics and semantic concepts. Hershey: Information Science Reference. 

Maddock, G. M., Uriarte, L. C., Flaim, J., & Miller, B. S. (2011). Brand new: Solving the innovation paradox--how great brands invent and launch new products, services, and business models. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. 

Xue-Xin, L., Hao, Y., & Sheldon, T. (2010). A robust periodic arnoldi shooting algorithm for efficient analysis of large-scale RF/MM ICs. ACM, 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701, USA. 

Markman, A. B., & Wood, K. L. (2009). Tools for innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.